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Hello! I'm Sumner


I'm competitive, curious, and strategically minded.


I'm a technophile, audiophile, gamer, and chef. I blend reason and creativity to better understand, navigate, and improve my life. I put in the hours required to end up on top, learning as much as I can along the way. 


I have a deep ambition to prove myself. Once I commit to a new challenge, I am incredibly focused. I always going the extra mile to make my work absolutely perfect.


I'm passionate about my pursuits and insatiably curious about the world around me.


I have an unwavering and genuine desire to make other people’s lives better. I am extremely reliable - always willing to go out of my way to be thoughtful, punctual, and true to myself and others. 


Currently, I am happily employed as a Senior Analyst at Amazon Games. 

Sumner_Headshot (1).png

Sumner Eastman

Senior Analyst, Amazon Games





Seattle, WA


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(Ever Evolving)
Microsoft Excel
Level: Expert

With 8+ years of experience, I've mastered all the core functionality of Excel. I especially enjoy utilizing VBA to automate repetitive tasks. Index(match()) or bust.  

Level: Advanced

I've created sheets, dashboards, and stories for all aspects of the business. I leverage strong syntax and design knowledge to create meaningful reports that help executive leadership make decisions.

Qlik Sense
Level: Advanced

I have crafted over 50 executive-level reports for numerous department leaders. My strong set analysis and syntax knowledge allows me to tell unique stories with data. 

Level: Expert
I've written so many queries at this point, the only limitation is how fast I can type it out. Temp tables are your friend on redshift, long live temp tables.
Data Analytics
Level: Advanced

I utilize R and Python to generate data models using regression and random forests. My individual knowledge of R and Python is constantly expanding.

Strategic Analysis
Level: Advanced

My curiosity drives me to continually learn how and why things work. I employ this knowledge to deliver strong strategic recommendations for C-Level executives. 

Process Implementation
Level: Advanced

I have led and contributed to multiple process implementation initiatives. I understand how to gather requirements, develop tests, and create long term success.

Team Leadership
Level: Advanced

I capitalize on my penchant for leadership by applying strong emotional intelligence and the ability to connect with people to support their goals. 

Market Research Analysis
Level: Advanced

I have conducted market research in both a formal and informal capacity. In college, I drew from this skill to develop an actionable marketing plan for a small business. 

Project Management
Level: Advanced

I have led and participated in many projects throughout my professional and academic career. I know what it takes to successfully scope and manage projects from start to finish.

Program Management
Level: Advanced

I have many years of experience leading reporting, auditing, and supplier management programs. I know what it takes to create and run programs that help businesses achieve success.

Process Automation
Level: Advanced

Using technology and formal process improvement techniques, I have automated several vital business processes, saving thousands of hours in company time and labor. 

Customer Communication
Level: Intermediate

I understand what it means to be a customer, because of this, I know how to elevate customer satisfaction while consistently communicating project statuses for all aspects of a business.

Public Speaking
Level: Advanced

Using years of formal acting in conjunction with my engaging personality,  I have delivered quality presentations to large groups - interweaving my message in a fun and intriguing way.

Machine/Deep Learning
Level: Novice

Machine learning and deep learning are the future. I am currently taking courses on how best to utilize these powerful tools for use in day-to-day business operations.  

(What Makes Me "Me")

My naturally competitive spirit is what propels me forward in life. I capitalize on my background experiencing all of the ups and downs of competition to push myself and to focus on consistently learning in order to get better at anything I put my mind to.


I'm a lifetime learner. I go into every situation without any preconceptions. This trait allows me to find new ways to improve and consistently innovate all aspects of my work and life. I'm never afraid of doing new things.

High Achiever

I enjoy setting tough goals, because I have very high expectations for myself. I am dedicated to crushing my own goals so that I can help others achieve theirs. 

Strategically Minded

I see things from 1,000 feet. I constantly study how companies, managers, and customers make decisions, allowing me to tailor my recommendations for all levels of the business. 


Using a combination of natural awareness, daily observation, and meditation, I am able to keep my ego in check, allowing me to better focus on the task at hand.


Some may call this perfectionism, but for me it's about constantly improving. I look for ways to make even well-established things better. My desire to advance has been, and always will be, part of my persona. 


I understand how the world works because I am constantly observing and adjusting to how things happen. This trait makes me nimble and highly adaptable. 


I truly believe that there is always a way to do things better. I consistently question everything around me to gather new insight, which I use to make practical and well-reasoned decisions.


People within an organization will have a wide range of motivations and attitudes in any given situation. I use emotional intelligence to adapt as conditions change.

(Where I've Made My Mark)
2019 - Current
Business Analyst


Today, I work as a business analyst II for the seller fulfillment services (SFS) org, on the transportation product team. One day I'll be able to share more about what I do, but for now you can keep up with me on LinkedIn


Quality Engineer/Operations Analyst

AGC Electronics

Fresh out of college, I came in without any knowledge of Quality Engineering. Within a year, I was leading multiple programs, working on numerous projects, and had developed a new reporting system. I played an integral part in helping to solve the company's most challenging quality issues. I was responsible for pulling data and executing on my data-driven recommendations. My drive and curiosity led me to be one of the top performing employees in the company. My ambition led me to take on new challenges outside of my defined role, which allowed me to execute quality improvements to other departments. 


To read more about specific programs and projects that I did, check out my Experiences




I worked as a server and cook while working on my undergraduate degree. I took on 16 credit hours (which led me to earn Magna Cum Laude) while working 30 hours per week. My pursuit for excellence drove me to establish efficiencies within the kitchen - which led to an increased customer experience. 

(Formal Education, That Is)

Business Administration

Supply Chain Management

Portland State

As a supply chain major, I focused on the learning the ins and outs of all major business processes. 


The best thing about the The Business School at Portland State University is its focus on practical application. My professors came from startups or corporations, and their experiences allowed us as students to gain a better understanding for how businesses truly operated, grew, and succeeded. 


Relevant electives: 

  • Forecasting and Linear Regression

  • ERP Systems

  • Demand Planning

  • Project Management

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